Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Elephants, Giraffes, and a Rhino

With my time in Kenya winding down, I am trying to hit all the places I wanted to visit.  Today I went to the Elephant Orphanage and Giraffe Observatory.

Elephant Orphanage-

Rescued baby elephants are brought the the orphanage and raised until they can be re-released into the wild at age 2-3 years old.  The elephants handlers bring the elephants out for their feeding from huge bottles.  You can also arrange to be there for bed time.  The orphanage runs solely on contributions.  You can adopt an elephant and come for private visits.  If I was going to be here for longer I might have done just that.

 The orphanage also takes in a few rhinos.  This little guy (or maybe not so little) is blind and was rejected by his mother because of it.  They've tried surgery, but apparently it's irreversible, so he'll stay in the orphanage.  His name's Maxwell.

Giraffe Observatory

Here you are given food to feed the giraffe or, even more special, lure the giraffe to give you a kiss by holding the food between your lips.

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