Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My departure for the States is drawing closer.  I leave in less than a month!  It seems that my time here has flown by, yet when I think back on my arrival it seems forever ago.  My experience in Kenya and with BlueSky has been invaluable, and I truly appreciate all of the support from friends and family that made my move here possible.  With this said, I must be honest about something that is very hard for me to talk about.  I am short in the amount that I need to raise for my time here.  BlueSky is wonder for covering me thus far where I have lacked in finances, but I don’t want to leave Kenya without reimbursing the organization.  Support raising is a difficult thing for me to talk about for many reasons: 

Reason #1- I dislike money.  I know, I know...we need it to survive in this world and I do believe that money (used in the right way) can create great opportunities and support great organization and endeavors.  However, I hate what money does to people and to relationships.  I hate that money holds such power.  I hate that money creates such greed.  But I suppose unless we all go back to bartering with cows and cornmeal (which I think I might be okay with) or we lived in a utopian society where money wasn’t necessary (which I would definitely be okay with), then money is just a reality and asking for support is just the nature of my ministry and job. 
Reason #2- I have a difficult time depending on other people for things.  I also have a difficult time appearing vulnerable.  It is humbling for me to ask someone for something so necessary, and equally as humbling for me to admit that.  Maybe that’s the point.  Maybe that is what God wants me to learn from this experience.  Maybe that is why my total amount of support hasn’t come through yet.  Maybe I need to get rid of my pride.  So here I am, depending on the Lord and his work through other people.  Here I am, being vulnerable.
Reason #3- I don’t want people to be annoyed.  To continue on the vulnerable route, I don’t like to inconvenience or pester people.  I like to be helpful.  I like to be liked.  And I suppose my perception (however wrong it might be) is that people will be annoyed if I ask them for money; that money is a sensitive subject which no one likes to talk about, so I shouldn’t ask people for help in that way.  Again, I’m sure some of this is rooted in pride.  Pride in the way I appear towards other people.  Pride in my independence.  Even pride in thinking I know how other people are going to respond to this topic.  So here I am, asking for help.  I am still nervous that this might seem annoying, but I’m asking anyway.  I must trust that people would give in cheer and love and not in obligation or frustration. 

So here’s my proposal: 30@30.  My goal is to have 30 people donate at least $30.  At that point, I will be close enough to the total amount that I think I can cover the rest through my savings.  Will you be one of those 30 individuals?  If you can’t give, I would love if you might consider asking someone else that you think can (relative, friend, coworker).  Thank you for reading this.  Thank you for supporting me.  And thank you for accepting these words and allowing me to be vulnerable.

How to Give:
You may give online at http://www.brackenhurstministries.org or by mailing a check to Brackenhurst Ministries 900 Westpark Drive, Suite 300, Peachtree City, GA 30269.  Please include ‘for the ministry of Emily Baird’ on your check memo line or in the ‘projects’ category on the online giving option.  All contributions are tax deductible and will be receipted at the end of the year.

For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to to his life?        ~Matthew 6:25

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