Saturday, March 5, 2011


Somehow during the month of February I have managed to go on Safari in the Masai Mara, be in the last group to raft a certain part of the Nile before they build a new dam, start driving on my own in Nairobi, take my first ride in a matatu, get the ball rolling on a lot of things at work, start hiring new facilitators, pick up on a little Swahili (though I need a lot more work...haha), and a lot of other things...  So much crammed into a short month, and it seemed to fly by.  I feel like I will be leaving before I know it.  But I don't want to focus on that now.  I simply want to soak up everything I can from this experience.  I don't have any pictures from the Nile (though I do have an awesome, but below are some pics from the Mara.  If you want to look at all my Safari pictures, I've posted a link to go to my facebook album.

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