Monday, February 21, 2011

Becoming A Better Blogger

I have decided that I am not very good at blogging.  I think it is because I have never been one to journal about my daily life.  I went through stages of trying to keep a diary/journal when I was younger, but it rarely lasted longer than a few weeks.  In the past, I have even tried to journal about my life when I am living or traveling someplace new.  People have suggested this to me and I definitely see the positiveness or even importance of it, but somehow it always comes out seeming trite or unnatural.  I think many people have a gift for this type of journaling but maybe it is not mine, and perhaps I should stop trying to make it such.  I record things differently.  I journal my thoughts on my current read or reflections on my spiritual journey.  I document my life through songs that I write or music that inspires me.  I share my experiences with people over coffee or late night ice cream runs :)  I know this should not keep me from blogging, however, I suppose the reason it is hard for me to blog is because it is hard for me to completely open myself to others and to others’ opinions on such a format.  I am open to share my experiences, but not always what my heart is going through in these experiences.  Maybe this is partially because I know that my opinions are always changing and sometimes when I am reflecting on something I am not sure exactly what I think on the subject.  Perhaps I am afraid that I might share something and that feeling might change.  Or perhaps I don’t want to speak in the absolute, for if there is one thing I’ve learned it is that to speak an opinion in rashness is to be very unwise.  I don’t desire to share my thoughts as absolute truths, but more as my perceptions.  However, I know I should not be alarmed to do this.  The Lord is always shaping my thoughts.  That is part of the process of spiritual growth.  Therefore, I should learn to be open to allow others to watch that spiritual growth.  Therefore, I am going to start trying to do that more.  And perhaps through that I might become a better blogger.  Therefore, my goal is to start sharing more.  Expect a new post in the next few days or you have full right to get on to me :)


  1. I believe the late night ice cream runs might have had something to do with me! =) miss you! ~Kari

  2. I wouldn't mind a skype coffee date :)
    love you Em!

  3. The ice cream runs definitely remind my of you and crazy cramming for exam Miss you too Kari!

    And skype date is a definite Kelli! Just let me know when :)
