Monday, January 24, 2011

Made it to Kenya!

So I've never been much into blogging before.  However, I have had many people ask if I was going to be keeping one before I left for Kenya.  I decided this was a good time to give it a try.  I want my friends and family to share in my experience; to get a glimpse into what my life is like here and the ways in which my heart is being changed and impacted.

I can't believe I haven't even been here a week.  So much has happened.  Stephen, Jason, and I arrived Wednesday night (Jan. 19) and met Kim, Andrew, and Andrew's family at the airport.  Andrew, Stephen, and Jason are going to be working with Adventures like I am, but they will handle more off site trips.  They are also going to be raising funds for and building a rock room while they are here.  Kim is the director of the ministry I am working with.  We get back to Kim and Amanda's house (Amanda is the director of youth ministries with Brackenhurst) where I am also living now.  The next morning we head out to Lukenya Getaway, our work site) and run a rock climbing program.  I worked at the top of the climb and had the most amazing view of the countryside.  The next morning Kim, Amanda, and I leave at 6:30 AM to run a full day team building program on the course.  Needless to say, we dove right in to work.  But it has been awesome.  Over the last few days I have fully moved in and organized, met several of Kim and Amanda's friends, gone shopping for groceries and such, toured the city a bit, and moved the guys into their place today.  I am so incredibly blessed and excited to be here.  We are still getting adjusted to just being here right now, but I can't wait until it really starts feeling like home here.  In a couple of weeks I will start my normal routine of working in the office, the course, staff meetings, business meetings, proposal writing, and more.  I will also start driving on my own (and with this traffic and having to drive on the left side of the road I am still a little nervous about  I am ready for the adventure though.  I know by how at peace I feel here already, I have been ready for this for a while.

I wanted to give you a few details about my past week here, but I hope as my days become somewhat routine I will write more about what I am learning and the way I believe God is shaping me.


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