Monday, May 2, 2011

The Secret of Laughter

I find myself at the top of a ladder trying to to unwrap a stringer that has tangled around the pole (one of our high elements).  I’m slightly frustrated that my lack of height and the wind is not making the task easy.  But then I hear the groups in the background and I remember where I am.  I remember how blessed I am.  I remember how joyous this life is.  I love the sound of laughter.  It’s the sound of hope.  Not just any laughter, but the kind that starts deep down inside of you and emits joy.  It reminds us that we are working towards a better future.  That throughout all of the brokenness that exists, we have the choice to be joyful.  We have the choice to see life in a positive light.  We have the choice to open ourselves up to love.  I close my eyes and listen to the group laugh together.  To know that if nothing else, laughter is making a difference.  We are bringing joy to people.  And hopefully, through that joy and this experience, they can walk away changed.  I know I will.  A smile creeps onto my face.  I’m sure it’s the kind that makes it look like I’m holding a secret.  And maybe I am.

As much as I like being in the office, and love the staff that I work with, my favorite part of work is being out at the challenge course with participants.  I love the scene that surrounds me, the blue sky above me, and the sun shinning down on me (even if it is ridiculously hot sometimes).  When I work with groups, I am reminded of why I am here.  I am reminded of how influential this type of experience can be for an individual.  I am reminded that we are making a difference.  I see that difference in the face of a high school student who is called upon to be a leader for the first time and earns the trust of his peers.  I see that difference in the smile of a business woman who never thought she would have the courage to jump off a 10-meter pole and grab a trapeze bar.  I see that difference in the hand that stretches out to help a teammate reach their goal.  Experience Changes.  That’s BlueSky Adventures’ motto.  This experience is changing me.  And I can only hope, in some small way, that my experience is changing others as well.

There's a new update on Brackenhurst Ministries blog.  Some of what I shared above is included as well as details on what I'm currently working on.  You can also check out what the other BlueSky team members are up to :)